Fan adjustments for Summer

Now that Summer is here, an adjustment to your home’s air-flow can save allot in energy bills while also providing more comfort. For those who have ceiling fans, there are a few simple changes you can make. If you don’t have ceiling fans, perhaps consider having a few installed. Fans placed in the most efficient areas can dramatically improve how your home is cooled and heated throughout the year.

1] In Summer, change the direction of the fan so the air flows downward. This is usually counterclockwise. To do this, there is usually a small switch on the main body of the fan. Make sure to turn the fan off first before changing directions. Heat rises so this moves the hot air downward toward the floor, mixing the air for a good accurate thermostat reading.

2] After changing the fan’s direction, you can raise the temperature on your thermostat a few degrees. The air will still remain comfortable because of the mixing air. In general, ceiling fans use less energy than HVAC units. Keeping the fan on low will create a nice breeze.

3] If you upgrade the ceiling fans in your home, choose one that has blades at the correct angle, which is approximately 12 to 14 degrees. Picture this, your window or box fan has an angle of 16 but is designed to push the air allot. Keep in mind, a ceiling fan is for aesthetics, comfort and function.